Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Developing My Personal GAME Plan

As a business technology teacher, I have a classroom lab equipped with 25 student computers, three printers, one scanner, Interwrite Dual Board with an Elmo (document camera), and digital cameras. Each day I teach students to use Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, and PowerPoint so that they learn to use these programs effectively and efficiently to meet content standards. However, there are many digital technologies that my students may use outside of the classroom that they are not using in the school setting. The two indicators in the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) that I would like to strengthen my confidence in are the following: (a) Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity, and (b) Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility.

My GAME plan to Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity is specifically focused towards improving performance indicator 1.c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to revel and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning and creative processes is as follows:

Goal—I want students to learn to record their thought processes when they are involved in project based learning assignments.
Action—I plan to create a class blog so that my students will be able to post their reflections during and after completing projects.
Monitor—I will monitor the class blog to ensure that all students are participating and to alert me to any potential problems that may occur as well as what is working well for students.
Evaluate—I will evaluate the blog postings so that I can understand students’ thinking processes through their reflections. Students will receive a participation grade.

My GAME plan to Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility is specifically focused towards improving performance indicator 4.a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources is as follows:

Goal—I want students to learn about copyright laws and trademarks and how to obtain permission to use digital images. I briefly touch upon this area, but need to provide students with more learning opportunities in seeking permission to use copyrighted material.
Action- I want to research and locate more information about copyright laws and the steps to follow to obtain permission to use digital images and relate this information to students effectively.
Monitor—I will monitor students ethical use of digital images by requiring students to turn in e-mails or letters of their request to obtain permission to use copyrighted material.
Evaluate—I will evaluate students’ request of permission to use copyrighted material through their submitted documentation of letters or emails and ensure that they are using copyrighted images and/or materials properly.


  1. With regards to performance indicator 1c. I think this is a great idea. Blogs are a great way to get at what students are thinking and feeling as they work through a project. I found that it definitely takes some time to get students to write in depth comments and be able to comment on each others feelings in a productive way. I struggled with this a lot when I first introduced it to my grade 9's last year and we only had three students! I recommend lots of modeling of what kinds of things to say and how to say it as well as how to comment on what someone else has said! Good luck!

  2. I think what you are teaching is so important for students to learn before they go off to college where they will be expected to know how to use these programs well.

    I teach communication arts where we produce videos and broadcast on cable TV. I teach students about the Fair Use Act which allows educational facilities certain rights in regards to copywright laws. The ones that affect my students most are the ones in regards to music and images. Students may use no more than 30 seconds of an artist's music and not more than 15 images from one person's collection. You can easily research the Fair Use Act and it will give you all of the specifics.

  3. Jlowe

    You are so right when you said that you teach students how to use so many different things in technology but there are more that they use outside that you do not have the ability to to monitor how they use it. Students do not understand plagiarism and what it means and what it can cost them if they are prosecuted for it. They also need to learn about social networking and the goods and bads of it as well. Keep up the good work.

  4. Gayle,

    I have been hesitant to setup a blog because I have a fear that students will post inappropriate writing. Thank you for the tip about lots of modeling. I agree that this is an important factor to successful blogging. In addition, I will also set up the blog so that I can can have some control over what is posted.

    Jeannine Lowe

  5. Maureen and Karen,

    Thanks for your comments and encouragement. It is becoming increasingly important to teach students about copyrights and plagiarism to prepare them for the future. Students do not understand the importance of these concepts and the consequences that can follow. Many students do not think they are violating any laws, so it is important that all educators begin teaching their students about these important concepts.

    Jeannine Lowe
