Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monitoring My Game Plan Progress

My goals to promote student reflection through a class blog and to locate copyright resources so that I can teach students about safe and ethical use of using digital information is currently on hold. I have briefly reviewed the resources that I posted in my blog last week, but have not spent the time that I need to become comfortable and familiar with them as I would like. I have the information and resources that I need, but I need more time to put my Game Plan in motion. I am already behind in what I should be covering in my course standards with students. Football homecoming activities this week and reviewing for mid-term exams that are scheduled for next week are preventing me from implementing a blog at this time and doing in-depth reading about copyright laws. Furthermore, I think I need to take a classmate’s suggestion and plan time to teach students the appropriate things to say in a blogging environment. My question is, “How am I going to fit in teaching students how to write appropriately in a blogging environment when I am having trouble covering my course standards because of the additional duty of ACT prep testing?” Because my Desktop Publishing class is taught in the spring, I have until then to research copyright laws and to put this part of my Game Plan in action. As far as putting my blogging idea into action, I think I may need to put it on hold until after Christmas as well.


  1. Jeannine,
    Time is always an issue, but I appreciate your honesty in re-adjusting your time-line according to your needs. Of course this will benefit your students in the long run, but you have to be realistic about getting through course material right now. Would you be able to take some time over the Christmas holidays to work on this? I know it is nuts that you have to have time off in order to do your work! Best of luck,

  2. Jeannine:
    I can sympathize with your situation. We have our football Homecoming this week too and the kids are going to be crazy. They dress up everyday of the week in a different theme and then we have a big pep rally in the afternoon and the game that night. They have the dance on Saturday night. Needless to say, this won't be a week to push them to accomplish very much.

    I think that you need to prioritize your goals and accomplish what must be done first. Incorporating new technology is a great goal, but it will have to come after the requirements. If you are stressed out adding in new strategies, it will not go well anyway.
    I am feeling like you are, and I have made my timeline one that may not be accomplished until winter break. The reality of teaching is that it does take a lot of planning and much of that time is given by the teacher outside of the classroom. I just wish the public understood how hard we work on our own time.

  3. Jeannine,
    It seems as though all of are experiencing issues concerning not enough time. It can be so frustrating at times. There is nothign wrong holding off yor classroom blogging until after Christmas. It is good that you have a plan and you seem to have already put it into motion. We can't always do everything at once. Stay focused on your goals and work hard and everything will fall into place. Good Luck Jeannine!

  4. Jeannine,
    I know what you mean about putting projects on hold. Between this degree, my job at school, and the fall commitments of being a band director (concerts, fundraisers, parades, pep rallys, and football games) I feel short on time as well. My family is even giving me grief for not calling/visiting them enough!?! As if that was number one on my list of priorities during the week :)
    Anyway, I was writing to say don't give up. I have found by reading our requirements (discussions, posts, applications), they stay in the back of my mind while teaching and opportunities seem to rise where I get a "light bulb" moment and think, "Oh yeah, this is what I was just reading about." I am sure it will come to when you least expect it, even if you have to table the idea for a short period of time. Just keep it it the back of your mind and you will do great!
    Have a good week.

  5. Jeannine,

    It sounds like you are anormal teacher: busy! I feel your pain. I was doing so much this last week that I did not get much done with this class either. It stinks to have all these destractions like homecoming and parent/teacher conferences so we can't get much done. Maybe this weekedn you can spend some time catching up or maybe this week you can spend one night doing your GAME Plan. Hope you find the time!


  6. Everyone,

    Thanks for your comments and support. It seems as if my life and job gets busier each year, and I know all of you feel the same. I think it is important for me to be realistic about what I can accomplish and to stop stressing out about the things that I do not have time to implement. In my spare time I will continue to work on my Game Plan, but I know that it is not possible for me to put my plan into action until after Christmas. When I am able to put my Game Plan into action, my students will be enriched by the experience.
